Next step for SNOWsat LiDAR
Long-range snow depth measurement has started for the winter season

At the beginning of the 2021–22 winter season, 25 PistenBully vehicles with SNOWsat LiDAR – as here on the Zugspitze – are being put into operation.
The SNOWsat LiDAR long-range snow depth measurement has been in operation in some ski areas. The technology is used under a wide variety of conditions. The feedback from customers is an important indicator for Kässbohrer. Initial feedback is entirely positive – SNOWsat LiDAR ensures optimal utilization of the existing snow!
Efficient use of resources and respectful treatment of nature in Laax
The Weisse Arena Gruppe Laax (Switzerland) has been a SNOWsat customer since 2016 and experienced and supervised many innovative products before as a development partner. For the 2021–22 winter season, the company had its new vehicles equipped with SNOWsat LiDAR at the factory. Corsin Clopath, Head of SOS and Vehicles, believes in the added value promised by SNOWsat LiDAR: "Why have we in Laax partnered up with SNOWsat LiDAR? That's obvious – we think LiDAR is the future of snow depth measurement! It will further optimize the utilization of the available quantities of natural and artificial snow and, at the same time, make it possible to spread the snow faster and in a more targeted way. Furthermore, this solution plays into our Greenstyle company principle, that is, to preserve the environment as much as we can."
Time savings thanks to real-time data on the Zugspitze
Karl Dirnhofer, Technical Director of Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG (Germany), has also been experiencing the advantages resulting from SNOWsat LiDAR for some months: "The operator can detect snow drifts or the snow displacement that is generated in normal skiing operations early on thanks to SNOWsat LiDAR. The operator can see where on the left and right snow can be dug out if it should become scarce. The great advantage of LiDAR is that we have real-time data. Operators immediately see how the snow cover builds up in front of them and can respond right away. This saves a tremendous amount of time!"
Easy, data-based operations on the glacier – day after day
Also the slope team in Hintertux, Austria has gained its first experience with SNOWsat LiDAR in daily use during summer operations and the preparations for the upcoming winter: "With its precise snow depth measurement, SNOWsat LiDAR demonstrates its strength not only in the winter ski area but also on the glacier up to an elevation of 3,250 meters. The system is ideal for creating reserves, preparing and measuring fleece-covered areas and marking obstacles. SNOWsat LiDAR forms a solid cornerstone for digitalization in ski areas, and we are delighted with how this innovative system makes our daily work easier!"
Accompany SNOWsat LiDAR through the winter
On our landing page, you will find videos, further reports from customers on SNOWsat LiDAR and an overview of all the benefits of the product. Visit our landing page and accompany us through the winter!